Festival outfits

This weekend I will be off to Wireless and for the last couple of weeks have been deliberating over my outfit for the day. Past festival outfits have included a shorts and waistcoat combination with wedges, a plain black dress and yellow scarf and a wraparound dress with bright yellow boots.

Music Festival

Generally the weather has been poor or unsettled leading me to choose boots over sandals or my wedges (several hours were spent cleaning off mud and grass after SW4 one year) and I have a pair of cowboy boots that are perfect for the job. I’ve tried on the festival staple Hunter wellies but I end up with incredible calf ache after only a few minutes wear so they’re a no no for me.

New Look Cowboy Boots

This weekend’s weather again looks to be a combination of heat and cloudy, possibly rainy, weather. The boots are a given but what to wear with them.

I’m loathe to carry a load of clothes around me so I’ve opted for a pac a parka (from Topshop). It’s blue and has three quarter length sleeves and looks pretty cute on and will be handy for the rest of our crazy summer.


On my bottom half, shorts. I have one pair that are OK but I’m waiting for another pair to arrive. High waisted and in denim I’m hoping these shorts will prevent the dreaded muffin top effect from happening.

High Waisted Shorts

Top wise I’m stuck. I have tried on pretty much all of the tops I have in my wardrobe and so far they are either too long, way too short or “too dressy” as my boyfriend put it nicely the other evening (I have a feeling he was simply bored of me trying on top after top). I’m probably end up going with a simply vest top.

For the end of the night when I know I will be longing for my bed I’m going to pack a light weight jumper. I have a sea green coloured one that should fit nicely into my handbag rolled up and won’t crease up and should go great with the shorts.

I guess at the end of the day you need to chose an outfit that ticks several boxes, comfort, practicality and style. Oh and don’t forget a colourful lightweight scarf, not only do they help keep you warm if it gets chilly but they are a godsend when it comes to tackling the portaloo. Take scarf, wrap round face and go for it!


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