Vogue’s fashion night out – Superdry

I’ve been working hard recently and enjoying spending a fair amount of time after work socialising and so my blog has been neglected a little (okay a lot). But I recently went along to Vogue’s Fashion Night Out on the 23rd of September, an evening where Regent’s Street, Oxford Street and the surrounding area came alive after hours with added attractions for shoppers and bloggers alike.

Superdry on Regent's Street

I was invited along to the Superdry event at their store in Regent’s Street where I was Continue reading

Ears down for Musical Bingo

As a sporadic blogger I generally don’t get many invites to blogging events so I was pleasantly surprised to receive an email to Musical Bingo, an evening claiming to be an original, interactive club night.

The Musical Bingo stage

In keeping with my trying out new things and saying yes to life I jumped in with both feet and kept my expectations in check. I’ve recently kicked my meeting-new-people fear into touch so all I had to worry about was my normal going to a new place issue. In short I arrive early, cannot find the entrance (especially I find in Shoreditch, which seems to have abandoned the concept of signs on buildings…) then spend several minutes wandering round and round checking and re-checking Google Maps in case I have got the location completely wrong.

All invited bloggers were given the opportunity to Continue reading

Street art changes fast, if you don’t slow down you might just miss it

Last weekend, as a birthday treat for a friend, a group of us all met up in Spitalfields market for a trip round London. We were met by not one but two tour guides that day (Doug and Ben) to take us on a journey round the East Ends best street art.

The Alterative London Tour promised a day to open our eyes to what is really around us and help us understand the amount of work the artists put in and also teach us about the culture of street art.

All in two hours.

I thought I didn’t know Continue reading