Spending splurge

Who doesn't like shopping?For the past month I really haven’t been very well with my asthma confining me to the house and only my laptop and bf for company. Now that I am ready for the commute back to work (which also means I can start going out with friends and be sociable again) I have looked back at the last few weeks and realised that I might have gone a bit crazy spending wise. Normally just a little bit of window shopping in my lunch hour satisfies any spending need I feel.

With that ability taken away from me I turned to the virtual shops and Continue reading

Searching for a new handbag for work

Currently I have a light yellow, leather across body handbag that I bought a few years ago now. I get to work via buses and trains so it has seen its fair amount of dirt and being yellow it is no longer a pretty bag but has instead become something I am ashamed to be seen with. I have tried all kinds of cleaning products but due to the design it’s hopeless. Let me show you how bad it has become (and bear in mind that I actually cleaned it about a month ago):

My battered leather handbag

It is supposed to be much lighter in colour (like the part of the strap nearest the bag) without the dark looking areas. So now I am trawling sites on the hunt for a replacement. Continue reading