Chocolate Victoria Sponge Cake


I was first taught how to make cakes by my mum who allowed me to watch as she creamed butter and sugar together (and allowing me to have a little taste), before magically transforming a somewhat yucky looking mix when the eggs were added to a super yummy cake mix once the flour has been totally  incorporated. Fairy cakes were then my favourite as buttercream could be added to make butterfly cakes. Now I try my hand at many different kinds of cakes, soft and creamy coffee, indulgent lemon drizzle,  simple yet elegant Victoria Sponge Continue reading

A cake so bad even I won’t eat it…

A week has gone by and today, after a nasty virus that floored me, I am starting to feel pretty normal again. Normal service will shortly be resumed. I’m feeling so great in fact that I decided to be adventurous and attempt an egg free cake.

Bolstered by plenty of bloggers and sites telling me how easy it is to simply omit eggs and replace with vinegar or lemon juice and baking soda I set out on what seemed a simple task. I made the cake recipe as usual and switched the two eggs for 4 tablespoons of lemon juice and 2 of baking soda. I crossed my fingers and toes and hoped for the best. Continue reading

A cake a day…keeps me happy

Cakes. I love eating them, reading about how to make them, gazing at them in supermarkets and fancy shops and even better, baking them myself. There is something quite wonderful about the whole process. Firstly deciding which to make from the multitude available then double checking I have the correct amount of ingredients before embarking on the chemistry of beating, folding and finally baking.

My first Madeira cake Continue reading